Only 16 more days…

… until baseball returns to the Lehigh Valley! Opening Day for the IronPigs is Thursday, April 9 at 7 p.m. against the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees (the former Red Barons). Unfortunately I won’t be there, but I will be going to the Saturday, April 11th game. After a semester of working hard on Moodle, WordPress and a … Read more

Save ink with Ecofont

I’m not one to go nuts about green stuff, but this is pretty damn cool: Ecofont. It’s a font that’s designed to use less ink, thus consuming less resources (assuming, of course, that you don’t go on a printing binge because of all the ink your saving…). As you can see from the Word screen … Read more

NextGen Gallery 1.2.0 released

NextGEN Gallery, the popular image gallery plugin for WordPress, has a new version out. v1.2.0 includes a couple of tweaks and bug fixes, but the big thing to note is that it no longer includes the JW Image Rotator, which is the Flash image manipulation tool that allows NextGEN to generate slide shows. It was … Read more

The IronPigs are on Twitter

The IronPigs are on Twitter. Granted, they’re not doing much with Twitter, seeing as how they only posted two updates in February, but here’s to hoping they start using it regularly as we head into the baseball season. I’d love to get game updates/results from Twitter! On a related note … only one month to my … Read more

LMS and Google Apps – First Comes Love…

Google has announced support for seamless integration between Moodle and Google Apps thanks to the work of third-party developer Moodlerooms: Moodlerooms, a SaaS provider of Moodle, just launched an application built on the Moodle platform that lets school admins bring Moodle and Google Apps together with a single sign-in. So now, students who told us … Read more

How to force a Google mini to show “omitted results”

Google’s motto may be “don’t be evil” but that doesn’t mean they can’t occasionally be overly helpful. Case in point our Google Mini (which serves up search results at the college) was omitting results from the Library web site because it felt those results were too similar. You could still see them by forcing Google … Read more

The Baseball Thaw

It’s February in Pennsylvania, which means we’re alternating between cold and icy, cold and muddy, and just plain cold. Oh we get the occasional spring tease, when temps spike up to the mid-40s, but those are quickly gone. Now granted, it’s not New England, which just got another foot of snow, but it’s still miserable … Read more