Puppies and Baseball 2024

A yellow lab, with a baseball game in the ground, looks at the camera.

Our Seeing Eye Puppy Raising Club held its annual puppy night at the IronPigs in tonight. A small host of puppies (and their human friends) saw our local AAA minor league team take on the Rochester Redwings. The ‘Pigs won, 4-2, thanks to a walk off home run in the bottom of the 10th.

Moodle Hack/Doc Fest hits Indianapolis in Summer 2016

The Butler bulldog stands atop the Butler University sign, with a large grass field in the background.

Moodle Hack/Doc Fest — that biannual summer camp for instructional technologists, web developers, and other folks who work with Moodle — hits Indianapolis this summer. It’s being held Tuesday, June 21 through Thursday, June 23, 2016 at Butler University in Indianapolis, IN. A pre-Hack/Doc documentation and coding sprint will be held Monday, June 20, 2016. … Read more

Moodlers Assemble! Hack/Doc Fest at Holy Cross, June 2015

It’s time to get Moodling again. CLAMP’s Moodle Hack/Doc Fest for Summer 2015 is being held at the College of Holy Cross in June 2015. This is our 16th Hack/Doc, and our first time back in Massachusetts since Summer 2011’s event at Hampshire College. Last summer’s Hack/Doc at Macalester College saw me spending three days … Read more

Getting Ready for Macalester

Moodle is hitting Macalester College in a big way in June. First, the Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project (CLAMP) is hosting it’s first ever Moodle User Group meeting (or “MUG”) at the St. Paul, MN college. The MUG runs June 23-24, 2014 and features a packed schedule focusing on the pedagogical uses of Moodle. Immediately after the … Read more

Ferris Bueller’s Cubs Game

Baseball is very much in the air in ITS. The “catch crew” is eager for the snow on the Quad to melt so we can get back to our occasional games of catch, and we’re eager for the first pitch to be thrown at Coca-Cola Park later this spring.

10 Days Until Pigs Fly

This is a random post of baseball happiness: In 10 days I’ll be at my first IronPigs game of the season. It feels my heart with geeky baseball joy to know I’ll soon be hearing the sound of baseballs hitting leather and bats slamming balls into the outfield. If you’re into baseball and want follow … Read more

The IronPigs Ground Crew circa 2009

I came across this video while testing the Anarchy media plugin in the latest version of WordPress. It reminds me of summer days, good friends and Shocktop beer at Coca-Cola Park… and that I really can’t wait for the baseball season to begin again. [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/TLWw6M1nN_o” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]