Moodle 1.9 Usability Testing, Round 1

The Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project (CLAMP) is sponsoring its first round of Moodle usability testing this spring. here are two tests, one for faculty, one for students, that evaluate common tasks that they are likely to encounter when working in Moodle (such as updating their profile, responding to forum assignments, creating assignments, grading assignments, … Read more

The IronPigPen

Looking for a steady stream of IronPigs baseball news? Then check out the IronPigPen, which is an unaffiliated blog about the team. They’ve got game results, commentary, news, statistics and much more.  You can find them at

Playing Catch at Lunch

Jason Alley and I have been geeking out about baseball over the last few weeks, what with the IronPigs having their home opener, the Mets and Yankees having their opening days at the brand new Citi Field and Yankee Stadium, and my daughter starting softball.  All that time we’ve also been talking about playing catch … Read more

Gradebook improvements in Moodle 1.9.5

Moodle Core’s announced a number of big changes to the Moodle gradebook for the 1.9.5 release. Among the changes: the student name column is now sticky (which means you can still see if if you scroll to the right to look at additional assignments). The categories page has been re-organized and color coded to make … Read more

The First IronPigs Game…

And the season is underway! My 6-year-old daughter  and I went to our first IronPigs game of the season on Saturday, April 11th. Unfortunately, the ‘Pigs lost to the Scranton Yankees, but we still had a blast despite temperatures that couldn’t have been much north of 33 degrees. The only downside to the game? Really, … Read more The Lehigh Valley in Wikipedia

The Express-Times has an article up about local folks contributing Lehigh Valley articles to Wikipedia.  There are a bunch of articles about Easton, Bethlehem and Allentown, as well as the regions history; you can learn more about what LV content is available on Wikipedia through the Lehigh Valley Wikiproject.

“We shall redouble our efforts”

Looking around this blog, I can’t help but notice I haven’t been posting to it much, which runs counter to the purpose of the pilot. I’m going to redouble my efforts, and try to post something every day (or at least, every week day) for the rest of the pilot.