Starship Attachment Experiments

Two starships

This page is dedicated to debugging an issue with attaching images to a WordPress post when said images originate in the Media library before the post exists. (as opposed to creating a page, clicking “add media”, and adding a photo that way. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis et rhoncus justo. Proin eleifend nulla in lectus tincidunt, … Read more

Rebuilding My Education Blog Reading List

Books on a bookshelf.

In anticipation of the ATAC 2018 conference I’ve dusted off my old Feedly account and started replenishing it with education blog and news sites. Back in the day, when the ITS Coffee Break was an ongoing concern and I had a lot more free time than I have now, catching up on my feeds was a … Read more

Categories Fun

ATAC 2018 Conference at Lafayette

A view of one of the gates at Lafayette College.

  The first-ever Academic Technology Administrators Conference (ATAC) is being held at Lafayette College on June 25 and 26. Sponsored by CLAMP, the conference is dedicated to the people who design, implement and support the academic technology ecosystem. In some ways this conference is the successor to the old NITLE User Group meetings, where folks … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Stars Are Legion

Spaceships fly across the orange-red surface of a planet.

The teaser for this novel sold me instantly: “Somewhere on the outer rim of the universe, a mass of decaying world-ships known as the Legion is traveling in the seams between the stars. For generations, a war for control of the Legion has been waged, with no clear resolution.  As worlds continue to die, a desperate plan … Read more

What I’m Reading: Forsaken Skies

A t-shaped starship attacks a planet.

After spending two weeks in August reading Kim Stanley Robinson’s hard science fiction novel 2312, I returned to lighter fare with the space opera Forsaken Skies. It’s your standard aliens-invade-human-space-for-unknown-reasons story but that’s exactly what I’m looking for to wind down the summer. This is the last book on my Summer 2017 reading list; if I can finish … Read more

What I’m Reading: Blue at the Mizzen

A three-masted sailing ship sails across a turbulent blue ocean.

The final book in Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey/Mautrin series, which follows the adventures of the H.M.S. Surprise in the 1800s. It’s a bittersweet end that provides a satisfying conclusion to lead character Captain Jack Aubrey’s career, but it’s also the last book that O’Brian wrote before his untimely death.

What I’m Reading: Six Wakes

A human form falls through the black void of space

I don’t often get to say that I’m reading a book written by a friend but that’s the case with Mur Lafferty’s Six Wakes. I know Mur from back at the dawn of podcasting, when she podcast Geek Fu Action Grip and I did Nuketown Radio Active. We later wrote columns for Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine. I haven’t seen Mur in … Read more

What I’m Reading: Revival

An ominous looking church stands silhouetted against a green/white sky.

I read a tremendous amount of Stephen King as a kid and teenager, but I stopped keeping up with him when he finished the Dark Tower series. I do occasionally venture back to that old well, the most recent time being 2013 when I read Doctor Sleep, the follow-up to his classic ghost story novel … Read more

Fuzzy Badges in Mozilla Backpack

Two silver shield-like badges - one for i-Lingua and another for i-World - appear in a Mozilla Backpack.

I spent the last week or so rolling out the 2017 editions of Lafayette’s i-World and i-Lingua badges. Evidence to support the various flavors of badges is collected using a customized Moodle instance (called, simply enough, “Badges”). Once graded using the corresponding rubrics, the badges are baked by Moodle and can then be shared with the … Read more