Starship Attachment Experiments

This page is dedicated to debugging an issue with attaching images to a WordPress post when said images originate in the Media library before the post exists. (as opposed to creating a page, clicking “add media”, and adding a photo that way.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis et rhoncus justo. Proin eleifend nulla in lectus tincidunt, non aliquam orci dignissim. Praesent ullamcorper eu massa in feugiat. Sed at finibus nisl, sed posuere nulla. Duis consequat libero neque, id molestie magna condimentum sed. Phasellus nec consequat lectus. Ut pellentesque diam id dui fringilla, ut consectetur nulla auctor. Vestibulum vitae congue sem. Pellentesque in blandit lectus. Aenean viverra eros eget venenatis dignissim. Nullam sed luctus arcu. Ut vehicula semper magna nec ultrices. Vestibulum ante urna, luctus ac neque eu, eleifend egestas dui.

Broken Attachment Image

This image was added to Media first, then inserted into the post. It’s attachment settings are messed up (it thinks the attachment page is but in reality it is

Two starships

Functional Attachment Image