Tools for troubleshooting web download speeds

I’ve recently been running some tests on WordPress to determine where potential download bottle necks may lie. I’ve found two add-ons for Firebug, the excellent troubleshooting/development plugin for Firefox: YSlow: A tool for Yahoo that analyzes a page’s download time, breaking it down by file type (e.g. HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Images) and points out potential … Read more

Acadmic Commons publishes CLAMP Case Study

“The Collaborative Liberal Arts Moodle Project: A Case Study” that I co-wrote is available on The case study looks at the efforts of a loose coalition of liberal arts colleges to transform our informal Moodle Hack/Doc Fests into a more formal organization.  The case study is part of the September 2009 issue, which features a … Read more

Easton Area School District on Twitter

The Easton Area School District is on Twitter: @easdnewsflash. It has updates about district news and events, as well as breaking stuff like the district’s reaction to President Obama’s recent speech to grade school kids and announcements about UStreams of board meetings. Unfortunately they’re not being very interactive. They’re not following anyone (which half defeats … Read more

Firefox/Acrobat Reader incompatibilities

It’s funny how college life ebbs and flows. Each of us ends up having our own rhythms based on the academic calendar, and some of them can be a little obscure. Like the  clash between Firefox and Acrobat Reader that happens almost every fall. As we did last year (and the year before that), we’re … Read more

Bug: Moodle won’t stay in editing mode

I’ve posted this to Lafayette’s Moodle Support forum, but figured I’d note it here as well: there’s a bug with Moodle that keeps it from staying in edit mode whenever you update or edit the page (e.g. adding a resource, updating an existing resource, etc.). I’m not sure what’s causing it, but I’ll be delving … Read more

Remembering the Moodle Minute

When we first launched Moodle at Lafayette, we ran a short series of podcasts called “The Moodle Minute” aimed at introducing folks to basic concepts associated with the new learning management system. Each episode ran about a minute, and while we had a lot of fun brain storming them, we just didn’t have enough time … Read more