What I’m Reading: Ancillary Justice

Cover art for Ancillary Justice featuring stylized starfighters flying over a space ship.

Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice plays with the concepts of gender and identity with the framework of a conventional space opera. The main character is an “ancillary” — essentially a human being who’s consciousness has been overridden an artificial intelligence. That intelligence once controlled an entire starship and dozens of such ancillaries, and over the course … Read more

Guest Post

Here are a few words from Cait Lynn Bally: words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. words. … Read more

The Many Uses of the CLAMP clamp

At MUG 2014 we gave away CLAMP clamps — translucent orange magnetic clamps with the word “CLAMP” printed on them. We promptly began to find ways to use these CLAMPs. Got an action shot of your CLAMP clamp? Add a comment below with a link to the picture and I’ll include it in this gallery.

Two Weeks of Building Sandcastles

Two weeks ago I came back from HighEdWeb 2014 intent on changing my schedule. Inspired by David Cameron’s (Ithaca College)  “Human at Work or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get Better at My Job” presentation, I decided to re-organize my schedule to more aggressively defend my project time. I’ve been allocating project time in … Read more

Reflections on HighEdWeb 2014

HighEdWeb 2014 at Portland is now a week gone. As is the case with most HighEdWeb it did a good job of balancing professional development, meeting new people, and getting to know the locale. Charles Fulton and I gave a talk on improving your website without nuking it from orbit. The presentation focused on using tools … Read more