Current Earworm: “I Want You To” by Weezer

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] I’ve had “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To” by Weezer stuck in my head for the last week or so — so badly that I ended up buying the Raditude album just to get rid of the song. No dice: now I’ve … Read more

10 Days Until Pigs Fly

This is a random post of baseball happiness: In 10 days I’ll be at my first IronPigs game of the season. It feels my heart with geeky baseball joy to know I’ll soon be hearing the sound of baseballs hitting leather and bats slamming balls into the outfield. If you’re into baseball and want follow … Read more

Renewing an expired GPG subkey

I set my GPG key to expire annually, which was all well and good until it actually expired and I found myself needing to renew it. I was able to renew the primary key by expiring it, but unfortunately this only expired the primary key; the subkey remained expired, which in turn meant my key … Read more

After the Blizzard

Here’s a few photos of College Hill after the storm. This is a shot of Porter Street, looking south. Our backyard transformed into a sort of winter candyland. The icicles of doom hanging over the alley between our house and that of our neighbor’s.

Of Firefox Crashes and Blocklists

I’ve been having massive stability issues with Firefox 3.5/3.6 for the Mac for the last week or so, as Firefox got stuck in this crash-reboot-crash loop that I couldn’t break. My immediate fix was to launch Firefox in safe mode by holding down the [Option] key while clicking on the application icon (read the Firefox … Read more

The IronPigs Ground Crew circa 2009

I came across this video while testing the Anarchy media plugin in the latest version of WordPress. It reminds me of summer days, good friends and Shocktop beer at Coca-Cola Park… and that I really can’t wait for the baseball season to begin again. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]

Moodle Hack/Doc V: One Week Later

Lafayette hosted Moodle Hack/Doc Fest V during the first week of January, and I have to say, I think it went pretty well. We got a lot of stuff done, including putting the finishing touches on two new tools for Moodle: Assignment ZIP (which allows you to download all of the files associated with an … Read more