How to force a Google mini to show “omitted results”

Google’s motto may be “don’t be evil” but that doesn’t mean they can’t occasionally be overly helpful. Case in point our Google Mini (which serves up search results at the college) was omitting results from the Library web site because it felt those results were too similar. You could still see them by forcing Google … Read more

Camstudio: Screen Capture Test (Windows)

Here’s my test of audio/video screen capture using Camstudio, in which I use Google to find Waldo. This was done on a Windows XP machine running Camstudio 2.0.  The audio was recorded using a Logitech Desktop Microphone. The final video uses the Intel Indeo Video 4.5 codec. The AVI video full-screen, 1.05 minutes long and … Read more

Disabling Emoticons in Moodle

By default, Moodle ships with a default number of emoticons turned on — filters that turn text smilies into graphical ones. This is all well and good — the nuances of speech can be lost in the written words, and emoticons help with that — but it can cause problems, particularly with some of Moodle’s … Read more

Forcing a Google mini to show “omitted results”

Google’s motto may be “don’t be evil” but that doesn’t mean they can’t occasionally be overly helpful. Case in point our Google Mini (which serves up search results at Lafayette) was omitting results from the Library web site because it felt those results were too similar. You could still see them by forcing Google to … Read more