[254/365] Jersey Breakfast

One of my great re-discoveries over the last two years has been the pork roll sandwich. This is a New Jersey tradition (so much so that “Egg”, “Cheese” and “Pork Roll” are mascots at the  Lakewood Blueclaws minor league baseball team).

[253/365] The Return

I’m restarting the Picture-a-Day project, a year-and-a-half after I lost momentum. I’m starting with a series of photos dedicated to the alleys of College HIll.    

Construction Camera Feed Experiment

Supported Web Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Can’t see the feed? Install VLC on your computer and view the feed directly. Download and install VLC player for your computer from the VLC web site. Open VLC. Go to “File” menu and choose  “Advanced Open File”. Choose the “Network” tab. Insert “http://cge-camera.prd.lafayette.edu:8008/” into the URL field. … Read more

It’s easy being green

After two years of protecting my tablet from constant abuse, it was finally time to replace my orange iPad Cover with a spiffy new green one. The orange cover was pretty beaten up:  the hinge had started to rip, causing the cover to slide out of position while I was holding it, and the cover itself looked dingy despite repeated cleanings.

I chose the green one rather than another orange because it stands out better against the background of my daily life. It’s hard to miss when sitting on my desk, and it stands out nicely against the grey lining of my backpack (which is always helpful when doing those last minute checks before a road trip.

The question now is … how do I recycle the old one?


Thoughts on HighEdWeb 2013

HighEdWeb is the annual conference of the Higher Education Web Professionals. The conference is often marketing centric, with sessions dedicated to promoting colleges through the Web and social media. I’ve been going on and off for the last several years, with the last time having been 2011 in Austin. I don’t know if it was the … Read more

The Art of 3D Print Failure

Rostock Max calibration and early prints. Credit: Fred Kahl

The Art of 3D Print Failure demonstrates the creative ways in which 3D printers can fail, giving rise to their own twisted sculptures. Hat tip to Fast Company for turning up the gallery.

What I’m Reading Now: Hero of Ages

Book 3 of the of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series finds the protagonists Vin and Eland deal with an evil they inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Mistborn’s notable for its unique magic system, in which “Allomancers” ingest, and then “burn” metals in order to use telekinetic and empathic powers. The Hero of Ages is part of … Read more