The Art of 3D Print Failure

Rostock Max calibration and early prints. Credit: Fred Kahl

The Art of 3D Print Failure demonstrates the creative ways in which 3D printers can fail, giving rise to their own twisted sculptures. Hat tip to Fast Company for turning up the gallery.

What I’m Reading Now: Hero of Ages

Book 3 of the of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series finds the protagonists Vin and Eland deal with an evil they inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Mistborn’s notable for its unique magic system, in which “Allomancers” ingest, and then “burn” metals in order to use telekinetic and empathic powers. The Hero of Ages is part of … Read more

What I’m Reading: Trading in Danger

Trading in Danger

Kylara Vatta’s dreams of a brilliant military career were ruined by one well-intentioned wrong decision; instead she goes to work for her family’s shipping company. Her first mission: captain a ship destined for the scrapyard. Of course, it’s not that easy as Vatta decides to try and turn a profit of her own using the … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Bowl of Heaven

The Bowl of Heaven

The Bowl of Heaven is a “tremendous object in space” novel, similar in scope to Niven’s original Ringworld books. Like Ringworld, it involves a massive construct — in this case a hemisphere — that has several million times the surface area of earth. A crew of human explorers comes across the hemisphere and sends an away mission to investigate. … Read more

What I’m Reading: Mistborn

Cover art for Mistborn

Mistborn is the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s Final Empire series. The setup is simple enough: imagine if the hero destined to save the world from a terrible evil did so … and then decided to use his new-found power to establish a tyrannical empire. The ascended “Lord Ruler” is considered a living god, and … Read more

What I’m Reading: A Memory of Light

A Memory of Light is the final book in Robert Jordan’s epic Wheel of Time series, a series so huge that Jordan died before he could finish it. Fortunately, he took voluminous notes and passed those on to his chosen successor, Brandon Sanderson. Sanderson’s done a fantastic job finishing up the series, and I’m looking forward to this … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Way of Kings

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

I’ve enjoyed Brandon Sanderson’s work completing Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series; he’s nailed the town and narrative stye of Jordan while simultaneously taming many of the author’s meandering story lines. I was eager to see how his own books read, and decided to pick up the The Way of Kings audiobook. It’s a big … Read more