What I’m Reading: Empire of Light

Humanity has made it to the stars, but only by hitching a ride with the fish-like Shoal aliens, who have a monopoloy on faster-than-light travel. The first book was filled with ancient mysteries, post-human monstrocities, and a touch of FTL battles. The second dealt with the theft of an FTL starship and the efforts to … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Stone Canal

Cover art for the Stone Canal

Book 2 of the Fall Revolution by Ken MacLeod revels in political discourse and post-human speculation as it bounces between a far future with robust artificial intelligence, cloning, planetary colonization and the more mundane world of Scotland, circa 1975.

What I’m Reading: Words of Radiance

Cover art for Words of Radiance.

The first book on my summer reading list is Words of Radiance, the sequel to Brandon Sanderson’s The Way of Kings. It’s an epic fantasy novel set in the world of Roshar, a planet ravaged by mystical storms, whose people were abandoned by their arcane defenders generations ago. Now a terrible danger — The Last Desolation — threats the … Read more

What I’m Reading: A Darkling Sea

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A Darkling Sea by James Cambias is a story of first contact between humanity and a seemingly primitive race of intelligent crustaceans living in the world ocean of a Europa-like moon. Europa’s fascinated me ever since I read 2010: Odyssey Two by Arthur C. Clarke, and that fascination as only grown as we’ve learned more … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Creative Fire

The Creative Fire

I’ve been on a military sf/space opera jag for a while, so I decided to try something new.  The Creative Fire focuses on a young woman named Ruby and her tightly-regimented life onboard a generational starship. It’s inspired by the life of Eva Perón. It’s apparently a quasi-YA scifi novel somewhat reminiscent of the The Hunger Games. I think it’ll … Read more

What I’m Reading Now: Hero of Ages

Book 3 of the of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series finds the protagonists Vin and Eland deal with an evil they inadvertently unleashed upon the world. Mistborn’s notable for its unique magic system, in which “Allomancers” ingest, and then “burn” metals in order to use telekinetic and empathic powers. The Hero of Ages is part of … Read more

What I’m Reading: Trading in Danger

Trading in Danger

Kylara Vatta’s dreams of a brilliant military career were ruined by one well-intentioned wrong decision; instead she goes to work for her family’s shipping company. Her first mission: captain a ship destined for the scrapyard. Of course, it’s not that easy as Vatta decides to try and turn a profit of her own using the … Read more

What I’m Reading: The Bowl of Heaven

The Bowl of Heaven

The Bowl of Heaven is a “tremendous object in space” novel, similar in scope to Niven’s original Ringworld books. Like Ringworld, it involves a massive construct — in this case a hemisphere — that has several million times the surface area of earth. A crew of human explorers comes across the hemisphere and sends an away mission to investigate. … Read more