What I’m Reading: Station Eternity

A stylized woman, half her face blue, the other half white, with glasses reflecting insects and planets, looks out at the viewer.
Cover art for Station Eternity

Many years ago, at the dawn of the podcasting era, my friend Mur Laffery and I were podcasters. We were also writers, me mostly non-fiction, Mur fiction (well, actually, we both wrote non-fiction, but Mur wrote – and podcast – a lot more fiction than I did). 

She’s written a lot of fiction since then, and I’m currently reading one of her newer books: Station Eternity, Book 1 of The Midsolar Murders. I’d call it a cozy sci-fi murder mystery – the main character is Mallory Viridian, and murders have a tendency to happen in her vicinity … and she often gets caught up in solving them.

Think Murder, She Wrote, but in space … with hive mind insects, rock people, and color-shifting security guards. And, of course, murder.

It’s a good, fun read – perfect for your summer reading list.