Research Papers:

Partitions of AG(4,3) into Maximal Caps (with Michael Follett, Kyle Kalail*, Catherine Pelland and Robert Won), Discrete Mathematics 337, December 2014, pp. 1-8.

Hands On SET® (with Hannah Gordon and Rebecca Gordon), PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 23:7, July 2013, pp. 646-658.

Moving Faces to Other Places: Facet Derangements (with Gary Gordon), American Mathematical Monthly, 117, No. 10, December 2010, pp. 865-880.

Color-permuting Automorphisms of Cayley Graphs (with Melanie Albert, Jenna Bratz, Patricia Cahn, Timothy Fargus, Nicholas Haber, Jaren Smith, Sarah Tekansik), Congressus Numerantium 190, November 2008, pp. 161-171.

Chordal graphs and the characteristic polynomial (with Beth A. Shimkus and Jessica A. Wolfson) Discrete Mathematics 262, no. 1-3 (2003), pp. 211-219.

A characteristic polynomial for rooted graphs and rooted digraphs (with Gary Gordon), Discrete Mathematics 232 (2001), pp. 19-33.

Convexity and the beta invariant (with Christina Ahrens and Gary Gordon), Discrete and Computational Geometry 22 (1999), pp. 411-424.

Interval partitions and activities for the greedoid Tutte polynomial (with Gary Gordon), Advances in Applied Mathematics 18 (1997), pp. 33-49.

“A greedoid characteristic polynomial” (with Gary Gordon), in Matroid Theory, J. Bonin, J. Oxley and B. Servatius, eds., Contemporary Mathematics 197 (1996), pp. 343-351.

On the greedoid polynomial for rooted graphs and rooted digraphs, Journal of Graph Theory 17 no. 3 (1993), pp. 433-442.

A greedoid polynomial which distinguishes rooted arborescences (with Gary Gordon), Proceedings of the AMS, 107 no.2 (Oct. 1989), pp.287-298.

“On strong and H-separability in ordinary and skew group rings” (with Jay Shapiro), Houston Journal of Mathematics 15 no.3 (1989), pp.395-408.

Separable extensions of non-commutative rings (with Ancel C. Mewborn), Hokkaido Mathematical Journal XIII no. 1 (Feb. 1984), pp. 74-88.


Jordan Awan’s CapBuilder, made during Lafayette’s 2013 REU

“The End Game SET®,” (with Gary Gordon), The SET® website, (under Other ways to play SET®) posted in 2007.

Mathematical Enquirer, (with Gary Gordon, D. Kalman, R. Nelson and B. Reznick), Math Horizons 14 (April 2007), pp. 17-20.

1000 Years of Math Bowl at Lafayette College (with Gary Gordon), Math Horizons, 13 (November 2005), pp. 10-11.

Orthogonal Latin Garage Doors (with Gary Gordon), FOCUS 21, No. 6 (August-September
2001), pp. 4-5 and the cover.


The Joy of SET: The Many Mathematical Dimensions of a Seemingly Simple Game (with Gary Gordon, Hannah Gordon and Rebecca Gordon), Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, November, 2016.

Teaching the Isms: Feminist Pedagogy across the Disciplines (with Deborah Byrd, Elisha Nixon, Mary Beckman, Beth Seetch and Andrea Smith), ITROW, November, 2009.

Complete Solutions Manual for Calculus by James F. Hurley, Vol.1 and Student Solutions
Manual for Calculus by James F. Hurley
, Vol.2 (with Gary Gordon), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA, 1988.