
Speed and Accuracy

Most parts of the system were very responsive due to constant changes based on the real time clock and system inputs from the battery. The battery level display and power saving (sleep) modes responded almost immediately due to appropriate inputs and the system was consistent in regularly going to sleep and waking to update state. The only part of the system that was slightly unreliable was the motor control for the solar panel that sometimes did not respond fast enough or was sometimes completely unresponsive to changes in stimulus.

Safety and Interference

Our system does not pose any major safety hazards besides at the different stages of voltage conversion. To ensure safety in our design used voltage regulation via the linear regulator and in the form of the PowerBoost 1000 charger. The system did not interfere with any other designs due to the absence of wireless signal transmission and wired control.


For testing purposes the system was simulated over a shorter period of time rather than a full day of operation. In order to make the system usable the duration for “night mode” and regular sleep and wake functionality would need to be adjusted to correspond to a 24 hour period and then this system would be completely usable to power any small device.