- Constructed voltage regulator circuits to step down 9 V to 3.3 V and 5V for operation of Servo Motor and Force Sensors
- Wired Logic Level Converter with PIC 32 and Servo Motor
- Configured Timer and Interrupt with Output Compare to control Servo Motor
- Wired Force Sensor circuits
- Extensively tested Force Sensors with known weights
- Configured the code which interprets the Force Sensor output and returns a weight value
- Constructed control circuit for Solenoid Valve
- Wrote the code to properly control the state of the Solenoid Valve
- Designed and wrote all code for UI.
- Wired LCD.
- Wrote code to handle user interactions to the systems.
- Configured RTCC module and wrote code to handle setting real time and to begin feeding process at user given times.
- Built initial support structure for the system.
- Completed support structure by building physical elements to food and water dispensing systems.
- Integrated code for controlling solenoid valve, servo, and weight sensors to allow functionality with UI code.
- Tested and debugged final system.
- Designed website and presentation.