Week Goals
Goals for this week were to finish the Project proposal, including initial design plans. We also planned to begin mechanical design and high level software design.
Worked on this week
Waseh: Worked on project proposal with Ian. Started reading documentation for ESP8266. Started higher level design for software.
Ian: Designed prototype schematics for the two main circuit boards. Worked with Waseh on developing the specification sheet.
We had hoped on getting a head start on the mechanical design, which is now somewhat behind. This will be an area of special focus this next week.
We also had hoped to make more progress on the software design and hope to have that done before this weekend.
Also might have to speed up progress to account for thanksgiving.
Goals for next week
Waseh: Finish software design for the project. Also develop connection and interface system of PIC with ESP as well as the touchscreen interface.
Ian: Finish mechanical design and fabrication (motor mounts, etc.). Prototype circuit on breadboard for the shade controller.