- Receive sample data from 9-pin output
- Get parts in for system (radio transmitter, 5V to 3.3V converter)
- Figure out how PIC can utilize RS232 to get data out of a 9 pin serial and eventually the datalogger
Worked on:
- Set up radio module to begin interfacing with PIC
- Adafruit LoRa radio transmitter programmed
- Got parts in for system
- Researched LoRa radio receiver techniques
- Planning additional LoRa radio at receiving end to get data
- Finding a way to get the various data out of the datalogger is tricky because the datalogger has a different pin setup and usually a program is used to access the data.
- Also, it is unknown whether if we were to connect to the 9 pin setup what kind of data would exactly come out or if there needs to be some specific signal to get the datalogger data
- 9-pin connector has ring buffer pin which seems to be used to interface with the data and begin transmission
- Possible UART connection?
- LoRa radio receiver with RTL-SDR requires several different packages to be downloaded and organized for an SDR
Next Week:
- Get PIC to utilize Adafruit Radio Module to send data
- Most likely SPI connection
- Set up PIC for sleep/idle mode with real time clock alarms for power conservation
- Look more into ways to get data out of datalogger
- Determine which antennas to use for LoRa transmitter and receiver