Week 2 Status Update


  • Receive sample data from 9-pin output
  • Get parts in for system (radio transmitter, 5V to 3.3V converter)
  • Figure out how PIC can utilize RS232 to get data out of a 9 pin serial and eventually the datalogger

Worked on:

  • Set up radio module to begin interfacing with PIC
    • Adafruit LoRa radio transmitter programmed
  • Got parts in for system
  • Researched LoRa radio receiver techniques
  • Planning additional LoRa radio at receiving end to get data


  • Finding a way to get the various data out of the datalogger is tricky because the datalogger has a different pin setup and usually a program is used to access the data.
    • Also, it is unknown whether if we were to connect to the 9 pin setup what kind of data would exactly come out or if there needs to be some specific signal to get the datalogger data
    • 9-pin connector has ring buffer pin which seems to be used to interface with the data and begin transmission
    • Possible UART connection?
  • LoRa radio receiver with RTL-SDR requires several different packages to be downloaded and organized for an SDR

Next Week:

  • Get PIC to utilize Adafruit Radio Module to send data
    • Most likely SPI connection
  • Set up PIC for sleep/idle mode with real time clock alarms for power conservation
  • Look more into ways to get data out of datalogger
  • Determine which antennas to use for LoRa transmitter and receiver

Status Update 11/15/2017

Goals For The Past Week:

  • Gain knowledge of servo and weight sensor operation (Both).
  • Build preliminary touch UI (Tom).
  • Determine how to control servo operation (Jeremy).
  • Draw a detailed schematic of our system (Jeremy).
  • Determine final parts list (Both).
  • Order any remaining parts needed (Both).

Goals Achieved This Week:

  • Gained knowledge of servo and weight sensor operation.
  • Began building preliminary touch UI.
  • Determined and ordered finals parts list.
  • Gained knowledge of and began integration of flow valve and valve sensor.
  • Gained knowledge of and began integration of LM317 voltage regulator for step-down of 9V to 5V.

Current Challenges:

  • Determining how flow sensor and valve operation works.
  • Determining how force sensor operation works.

Plans For The Upcoming Week:

  • Finish preliminary touch UI (Tom).
  • Draw a detailed schematic of our system (Jeremy).
  • Begin scale integration (Tom).
  • Build software backend to servo operation (Jeremy).
  • Continue Servo integration (Jeremy).
  • Continue flow valve and sensor integration (Both).

Status Update – 11/09/2017

Goals for the week-

  • Finalize design ideas and develop a high level design plan for the different system components.
  • Finalize hardware parts to buy and submit Project Proposal.

Tasks completed-

  • Peter: Researched hardware components for Proposal and started conceptual design for motor control and PowerBoost usage.
  • Nakul: Researched existing solutions, developed high-level design plan and started software design for charging status display.


  • Choosing how to deal with low sunlight situations. We settled on one of our researched solution to use real-time tracking with regular updates to motor position.
  • Deciding between a stepper and servo motor. It was a difficult decision and we opted for a servo due to the simpler control mechanism.

Plan for next week-

  • Peter: Test solar panel rotation using the servo motor. Implement the PID control loop.
  • Nakul: Monitor battery levels in software and output status on LCD or using 4 LEDs. Look into how the sleep mode for PIC32 works.

Weekly Status update 11.9.2017

Goals for the week:

  • Layout different software components and start working on those.
  • Setup basics interaction using in house component: LCD and LED matrix

What was worked on and achieved by each partner for the week?

  • Set up the LCD display
  • Set up the LED matrix
  • Start wiring sensors & Push buttons

Current challenges or problems:

  • Configure with the LED matrix using PIC32
  • Decide how many pins do we need for the LED matrix

Plans for each member for the upcoming week

  • Together: Figure out what heartbeat sensor we are going to use, order it ASAP
  • Kevin:
    • Wire the system together
    • Draw different pet moods on the LED matrix
  • Yahan:
    • Get readings from the sensors readings and display on LCD
    • Get the interaction with the push buttons and the Pet

Status Update Wk 1

Week Goals

Goals for this week were to finish the Project proposal, including initial design plans.  We also planned to begin mechanical design and high level software design.

Worked on this week

Waseh: Worked on project proposal with Ian. Started reading documentation for ESP8266. Started higher level design for software.

Ian: Designed prototype schematics for the two main circuit boards.  Worked with Waseh on developing the specification sheet.


We had hoped on getting a head start on the mechanical design, which is now somewhat behind.  This will be an area of special focus this next week.

We also had hoped to make more progress on the software design and hope to have that done before this weekend.

Also might have to speed up progress to account for thanksgiving.

Goals for next week

Waseh: Finish software design for the project. Also develop connection and interface system of PIC with ESP as well as the touchscreen interface.

Ian: Finish mechanical design and fabrication (motor mounts, etc.).  Prototype circuit on breadboard for the shade controller.

Status Update 11/8/2017

Goals For The Past Week:

  • Finish and submit Project Proposal.
  • Planned the System Features.
  • Design the Subsystem Breakdown.
  • Create a schedule of what we hope to achieve each week leading up to the final demonstration.
  • Assemble preliminary parts list.

Goals Achieved This Week:

  • We were able to achieve everything that we planned to for this week.
  • All tasks were completed together by both partners.

Current Challenges:

  • Figuring out which weight sensor we will be using to weigh food and water in the bowls.
  • Determining how to step up 3.3V to 5V for the weight sensor.

Plans For The Upcoming Week:

  • Gain knowledge of servo and weight sensor operation (Both).
  • Build preliminary touch UI (Tom).
  • Determine how to control servo operation (Jeremy).
  • Draw a detailed schematic of our system (Jeremy).
  • Determine final parts list (Both).
  • Order any remaining parts needed (Both).

Week 1 Status Update


  • Research Potential Solutions
  • Get more information about the project from Professor Brandes
  • Plan high-level hardware and software design

Worked on:

  • Both – Talked to Professor Brandes to get more details. Visited the data logging site at the creek and took note of the current design.
  • Researched and found hardware components to purchase for our solution
  • Made a work schedule for each week of the project

Datalogger setup at the creek


  • Deciding on how to power up the micro controller when it is not connected to a computer
  • Planning software design for embedded system
  •  Narrowing down what items to purchase

Next Week:

  • Extensive research about utilizing our hardware equipment before they arrive
    • Radio transmitter from micro controller
    • Interfacing with datalogger
  • Receive sample data from 9-pin output
  • Put in parts order



Status Update 11/9

This week, we slightly modified our initial proposal.  Now, we are using an SD card reader to play WAV files that contain notes played from an alto sax.  For the previous week, our plan was to get the proposal approved by Professor Watkins.  The goal was achieved, and now the plan for the following week is to flesh out our design and create a full implementation plan.  This will require understanding of how to operate the SD card breakout board, foot pedal, and flex sensors operate.  We will also start building the hysteresis circuits for flex and pressure sensors, while also learning how WAV files work.