Goals For The Past Week:
- Gain knowledge of servo and weight sensor operation (Both).
- Build preliminary touch UI (Tom).
- Determine how to control servo operation (Jeremy).
- Draw a detailed schematic of our system (Jeremy).
- Determine final parts list (Both).
- Order any remaining parts needed (Both).
Goals Achieved This Week:
- Gained knowledge of servo and weight sensor operation.
- Began building preliminary touch UI.
- Determined and ordered finals parts list.
- Gained knowledge of and began integration of flow valve and valve sensor.
- Gained knowledge of and began integration of LM317 voltage regulator for step-down of 9V to 5V.
Current Challenges:
- Determining how flow sensor and valve operation works.
- Determining how force sensor operation works.
Plans For The Upcoming Week:
- Finish preliminary touch UI (Tom).
- Draw a detailed schematic of our system (Jeremy).
- Begin scale integration (Tom).
- Build software backend to servo operation (Jeremy).
- Continue Servo integration (Jeremy).
- Continue flow valve and sensor integration (Both).