- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Counterfactual and Seeing-to-it Responsibilities in Strategic Games, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 174, Issue 10, December 2023, 103353
- Sophia Epstein, Pavel Naumov, and Jia Tao: An Egocentric Logic of De Dicto and De Re Knowing Who, Journal of Logic and Computation, exad053, https://doi.org/10.1093/logcom/exad053
- Samik Basu, Vasant Honavar, Ganesh Ram Santhanam, and Jia Tao: Representing and Reasoning with Multi-Stakeholder Qualitative Preference Queries, 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023), September 30 – October 4, 2023.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: An Egocentric Logic of Knowing How to Tell Them Apart, Journal of Symbolic Logic, published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 June 2023
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Two Forms of Responsibility in Strategic Games, 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 21), August 21-26, 2021
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Attainable Knowledge and Omniscience, 18th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 21), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, June 25-27, 2021
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Knowing-How under Uncertainty (extended abstract), the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Yokohama, Japan, July 11-17th, 2020
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: An Epistemic Logic of Blameworthiness, Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Volume 283, June 2020, 103269
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Duty to Warn in Strategic Games, 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-20), May 9-13, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Blameworthiness in Security Games, 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), February 7-12, 2020, New York, New York, USA
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Knowing-How under Uncertainty, Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 2019, Volume 276, November 2019, Pages 41-56
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Blameworthiness in Strategic Games, in Proceedings of 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), January 27-February 1, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Everyone Knows That Someone Knows: Quantifiers Over Epistemic Agents, Review of Symbolic Logic (RSL), Volume 12, Issue 2 June 2019 , pp. 255-270.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Together We Know How to Achieve: An Epistemic Logic of Know-How, Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Volume 262, September 2018, Pages 279-300.
- Jia Tao: A PSpace Algorithm for Acyclic Epistemic DL \(\mathcal{ALCS}5_m\), Journal of Automated Reasoning, 63(3), 539-555 (2018), DOI: 10.1007/s10817-018-9473-5.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Second-Order Know-How Strategies, in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS ’18), pages 390-398, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-15, 2018.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Strategic Coalitions with Perfect Recall, in Proceedings of 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18), pages 4702-4709, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, February 2-7, 2018. Here is a complete version with the proof of the soundness.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Information Flow under Budget Constraints, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Volume 18 Issue 4, December 2017 Article No. 32
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Together We Know How to Achieve: An Epistemic Logic of Know-How, In Proceedings of 16th conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2017), July 24-26, 2017, Liverpool, UK
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Coalition Power in Epistemic Transition Systems, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2017), pages 723-731, 2017.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Price of Privacy, Journal of Applied Logic 20C (2017) pp. 32-48
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Information Flow under Budget Constraints, 15th European Conference On Logics In Artificial Intelligence (JELIA), Larnaca, Cyprus, November 2016
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Marketing Impact on Diffusion in Social Networks, Journal of Applied Logic 20C (2017) pp. 49-74
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Knowledge_in_Communication_Networks, Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume 27, Issue 4, June 2017, Pages 1189–1224
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Price of Privacy, Proceedings of Twelfth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT), Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2016
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Marketing Impact on Diffusion in Social Networks, Proceedings of Twelfth Conference on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT), Maastricht, Netherlands, July 2016
- Leqi Liu, Ziyan Yang, Jia Tao and Fadi Towfic: Shared Genetic Architecture In Autoimmune Disease – Preliminary Analysis, 2015 Workshop on Health Informatics and Data Science (HI-DS), held in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Washington D.C., November, 9-12, 2015, USA.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: A Modal Logic for Reasoning about Economic Policies, Journal of Logic and Computation (2017) 27 (1): 395-412.
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Budget-Constrained Knowledge in Multiagent Systems, AAMAS’15 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Pages 219-226
- Pavel Naumov and Jia Tao: Logic of Confidence, Synthese, June 2015, Volume 192, Issue 6, pp 1821-1838.
- Jia Tao and Giora Slutzki and Vasant Honavar: A Conceptual Framework for Secrecy-preserving Reasoning in Knowledge Bases, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Volume 16 Issue 1, March 2015 Article No. 3.
- Jia Tao and Giora Slutzki and Vasant Honavar: PSpace Tableau Algorithms for Acyclic Modalized ALC, Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR): Volume 49, Issue 4 (2012), Page 551-582.
- Jia Tao and Giora Slutzki and Vasant Honavar: Secrecy-preserving Query Answering for Instance Checking in EL, The Fourth International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2010).
- Hridesh Rajan, Jia Tao, Steve Shaner, and Gary T. Leavens: Tisa: A Language Design and Modular Verification Technique for Temporal Policies in Web Services, 333-347, ESOP, 2009.
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