Hot hot hot!

Yikes! It’s supposed to be almost 100 degrees these next few days.  Don’t forget to keep watering but please conserve!  Water very early in the morning and very late in the evening only.

If you’re out at the garden for long, don’t forget you need water too! 🙂

Stay cool.

Water is here!

Hey everyone!
The plots are looking great and just in time for this heat wave, the water is good to go.  Currently we have two taps running (one on the fence near the road and the other on the side near the hill).  Yay! 🙂

There will be three more installed once we get some more piping.  There will be another one on each side mentioned before and then one out in the back in the middle (there’s now a post out there with a spickit with no hose yet–you’ll see it!).

A few things to remember:

Here's one of the working water taps!

PLEASE USE SPARINGLY!  It’ll go quickly, please conserve it.

The water is not potable, please don’t let the youngin’s drink it.

The water is hot from sitting in the pipes all the time, so please be cautious.

Please don’t hook up a hose, just use watering cans.

Make sure it’s turned off all the way and if you see any dripping, please let me know ASAP!

This water system is courteous of Dave Brandes and some of his students (and funded by the Clinton Foundation grant!). Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy!

Photo of one of the taps courtesy of D. Brandes.