Surprise–It’s a Shed!

Hey everyone!

You may be wondering about that awesome-looking shed out at the garden!  It mysteriously popped up on Saturday (July 12th).  This shed was designed and built by a student, Scott Stinner, in the Sullivan Trail parking deck on campus.  Then John Wilson brought a big platform truck and we brought it over and assembled it over the weekend.

This shed WILL be available for your use to store things like garden tools and other small items by next week.  About half the space inside will be designated for the community garden and half for the student-run garden.  We will keep it locked, probably with a combination lock (and I’ll send you an email with the combination).

We will be painting it in the next week or so, and I’ll post again when it’s ready for use.hpim2501

Community Gardening–Come start!!

Hey everyone!!

Many gardeners have begun to work in their plots and they’re lookin’ GREAT!!  Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile..I’ve been at the garden lots! 🙂

Here’s some pictures from about a week ago (so much has changed since!).


The fence is complete–the gate is a little difficult to get open.  We’ll try to fix it soon!


Ryan family plot–lookin’ good! 🙂


Reiter family plot–the very first one planted! 🙂


Poor Jodie Frey’s (and friends!) plot–two groundhog holes, but they haven’t come back yet!


First row of plots.

And a couple students and me started planting the large 1-acre plot last Tuesday.  Here’s some pictures from that day..


The FIRST seeds. 🙂  It was some yellow sweet corn.


Pooja Shah and Scott Stinner workin’ hard!


And we worked REALLY hard! 🙂

Anyways…feel free to get started out there!  I’m not sure what the key situation is for the parking area.  If you haven’t received it yet, you should be getting one soon! The water situation is still under-construction, but will hopefully be done soon!  Sounds like there’s supposed to be rain in the next couple weeks too! Phew!

Have a great holiday weekend!!
