Farm Auction!

dsc00481This past Saturday, Professor Dave Brandes, Professor John Wilson, their sons Owen and Jack, and myself went to the 25th Annual Hilltop Sales and Service Spring Auction.  We got there at 9AM sharp and it was freeezing and windy, but we got some neat stuff!dsc004882

Here’s what we got:

-Wheelbarrow $6

-Lawnmower (old fashioned bladed kind) $2

-Planting pots of all sizes $2

-Auctioneer making fun of me for being excited about the lawn mower..priceless

Total: $10.60!! 🙂

The auction was a lot of fun and we got some great stuff for cheap.  Owen in particular loved the all the tractors!  And both Owen and Jack braved the cold weather extremely well!dsc00483

Now we need to find shovels, hoes, and stuff at another auction and hopefully we can get a great price again!  If anyone knows of good places to buy implements for cheap, feel free to leave a comment here.
