Saturday Mornin’ Gardening

Hey everybody,

We got a LOT of work done today.  All the fence posts are in, we cut them to be about even height (~7 foot), and hung wire around the top.

We had a lot of enthusiatic help from students, faculty and staff including John Wilson, Cliff Reiter, Annette Diorio, Art Kney and his daughter Elise, LEAP/SEES students: Scott Stinner, Britta Moore, Tom Golazewski, Paul Creme, and Laura Bochner (and it was her 21st birthday!!)

We’ve still gotta: put up the fencing with fence staples and attach it to the wire at the top with zip ties.  I think we’re planning on working on Friday morning to finish it up.  Let me know if you can come!!

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping today!!

And THANK YOU to Derek Smith for the yummy snacks..fruit and cookies from the farmers market! 🙂


Fence Building–Again this Saturday!

Hey everyone!!

We had a building day on Saturday thanks for the help from LEAP, the Music Appreciation floor, and some great faculty and staff including John Wilson, Andy Smith, Dave Brandes, and Annette Diorio for all the help!  We got about half of the fence posts up, so we’re planning on having another building day this coming Saturday, May 9th at 7AM.

Thanks to Mr. Jim Krivoski for buying doughnuts! 😀


These fence posts are native black locust trees from Prof. John Wilson’s farm.


We finished one side and most of the other.   This is where the gate is going to be located.


Professor Wilson, Sean Murphy, Scott Stinner working on the corner.  In the back: Annette Diorio, Britta Moore, and little Jack working on putting up some posts.


Paul Creme, Zeus Wu, and Prof. Andy Smith digging a hole.

Dickinson Farm Director, Jenn Halpin’s Visit!

Jenn Halpin came today and gave a presentation about the Dickinson Farm program.  It was a GREAT presentation and I think it really got everyone excited about our gardens here.  She was here all afternoon for visits and meetings. Here’s what we did:dsc00312

First, Jenn H. arrived and gave a brown bag presentation in Hugel 103.

Then, we had lunch with Professors Dave Brandes, Art Kney, Andy Smith and Annette Diorio at Gilberts for a Q & A for them!


Then, we had a meeting with Dining Services, including Joe Binotto and Bob Meyer where we talked about serving vegetables in the dining halls.

Finally, we met with garden team students interested in helping starting the garden for more Q&A.

It was a great learning experience and we’re so grateful Jenn H. came and gave us advice!  Now we’ll have to go out there and visit sometime!


VAST 221: Technology at the Table

Some exciting news!

Annette Diorio, associate dean of students and Director of Residential Life is teaching a VAST course #221 Technology at the Table and will be incorporating the garden project into the curriculum. One of the large projects during the semester will be for the students to divide into groups and create a design for the large 1-acre plot that students will be tending. They will be deciding what to plant, where to plant it, and when. After completing their designs, Professors Brandes, A. Smith, D. Smith, and Wilson will be judging the designs and choose the best one (or pieces of them) to implement in the garden.

Tonight I made a quick presentation to the class about the project. I’m very excited to be working with them! =)
