A nice gallery of the flowers we’ve been growing out on the farm.
- Pink Bee Balm. As the name would imply, bees love this flower.
- This is a fancy variety of maroon and yellow Marigold.
- Baby Zinnias!
- A robust, pink Zinnia
- An orange Zinnia
- Pleurisy Root, also known as Butterfly Weed. This beautiful flower is a variety of Milkweed, the one and only Monarch Habitat
- These multicolored hairy majesties are called Coxcomb.
- A pink Echinacea flower.
- A yellow Echinacea whose petals haven’t opened yet!
- This is Holly Hock, grown by a member of the community garden.
- Classic red-orange Marigolds
- This pink pom-pom is the flower of the Common Milkweed plant. Bees and Butterflies can’t get enough!
- Close up of the unique Bachelor’s Button
- Bachelor’s Button is a hardy perennial flower that is one of our first to bloom and survives well past the first frost!
- An early White Chrysanthemum, or mum.
- A nice Titan Sunflower. Every year we have plenty of these, and many self-seeded into our rows this year. We’re leaving them around for good luck, and to beautify the farm!