Pictures collected of LaFarm work and bounty in the 2014 season!
- The flowers and basil continue to flourish,
- Asparagus!
- A plot ready for Perrenials
- Strawberries being picked by our Farm Manager Sarah
- Our June 9th Harvest
- Flowers from the greenhouse, about to be planted
- Our First Plot of Crimson Clover
- Our Second Plot of Crimson Clover
- Our tomato crop, right after planting and trellising
- Potato Eyes
- The beautiful sage is ready to pick
- Tomato harvest is going to be soon!
- Potatoes before hilling
- These beds will be the home to carrots, beets, and winter squash
- Microgreens ready for planting
- Tomatoes and Tomatillos!
- Sarah looks out contentedly upon the farm and our new straw mountain.
- The LaFarm crew stands victorious after stacking 400 bales of straw in under 45 minutes.
- Eric Giovannetti adjusts the stand’s display as the day goes on
- Our older asparagus begins to fold under its own weight
- The tomatoes stand proudly over their newly mulched bed
- Monarchs at the farm! Everyone loves these beneficial, migratory Butterflies.
- Aerial imaging of the Farm!
- Market is beautiful in the fall
- Our friends and coworkers
- Volunteering for food day!
- Our various varieties of oregano have matured