Women in Sustainable Agriculture

I was fortunate enough to have the chance to attend and participate in the 2011 Women in Sustainable Agriculture Conference presented by the Pennsylvania Women’s Agricultural Network (PA-WAGN)  this week. I traveled to Penn State in State College, PA on Sunday through Tuesday night.   It was SO great to connect with women across the state and the US involved in farming.  I went to a intensive workshop all day on Monday called the Adventures in Marketing Learning Clinic and then several workshops on Tuesday.  I also spoke on a panel called Developing and Managing an Educational and Production-Oriented Farm for Institutions with Jennifer Halpin (Dickinson College) and Alice Julier (Chatham University).  It was really exciting to share our story!! 🙂

Farm Market

Hello everybody!

We will be selling produce grown from the student farm on Thursday, August 25th from 11am to 1pm at the patio in front of Gilbert’s Cafe.  Come get some sweet corn, green beans, squash, and more!

Photo by Karen Clemence (Sr Assoc Dean of the College)


Hot hot hot!

Yikes! It’s supposed to be almost 100 degrees these next few days.  Don’t forget to keep watering but please conserve!  Water very early in the morning and very late in the evening only.

If you’re out at the garden for long, don’t forget you need water too! 🙂

Stay cool.