What to do now? Seed order time!

Hi folks,  it’s about that time to think about ordering seeds.  Where can I get organic seed, you say?  You can request a catalog or shop online.

Lots of options these days…

1. High Mowing Seeds: Vermont

2. Fedco Seeds: Maine

3. Park Seed: Pennsylvania

4. Seed Savers Exchange: Iowa

5. Johnny’s Select Seeds: Maine

6. Seeds of Change: California

7. Peaceful Valley: California

Here is a list by the Organic Seed Alliance of even more organic seed sources! Do you have other suggestions?  Leave a comment with your favorite seeds.

Fall harvest, 2011: Delicata Winter Squash from High Mowing and Provider Snap Bush Beans from Seeds of Change

Tons of Fun Events Coming Up!! Spring 2012

Here’s our schedule of events for the semester… Mark your calendars!!

First LEAP Meeting!!  Wednesday, February 1st at 12:15 in Keefe Commons: Pizza Provided!! Come learn about what’s up with the environmental  club this year and meet Julia, the student garden leader!

Student Film Showing:  Dive!   Date TBD: Next couple weeks. Determined after the first LEAP Meeting… attend if you can for more info or watch this website or the facebook site for more info!

Student Film Evening: Grow! Date TBD Next few weeks. Date determined after 1st LEAP meeting!

1st Weed and FeedFriday, March 23rd  Come help out at the student farm!! Food provided!  All are welcome!!

Weed and FeedSaturday, March 31st  Come help out at the student farm!! Food provided.  All are welcome!!

Philly Farm and Food Fest: April 1, 2012 10-4pm Sunday

Weed and FeedFriday, April 13th  Come help out at the student farm!! Food provided. All are welcome!!

Bike to the Garden: Sunday, April 22nd  Ride your bike the challenging 3 miles to come help out at the student farm!! We will bike there, work at the farm, have some food, and bike back!

First Day of Easton Farmers Market: May 5th Saturday  Come experience tons of local food and craftsman that make Easton so special!  Lots of great farmers to meet and fresh food to eat!

Volunteer Opportunities

Tentative Dates for Volunteer Events in Spring 2012

More info to come, but mark your calendars!

1. Weed and Feed: Friday, March 23rd

2. Weed and Feed: Saturday, March 31st

3. Weed and Feed:Friday, April 13th

4. Bike to the Garden: Sunday, April 22nd

Email Jenn at bellj@lafayette.edu if you would like to help out at these events.
We will also have weekly volunteer opportunities! They will be once a week Fri-Sunday and will be determined weekly.  Email Julia at seidensj@lafayette.edu for more info on these days! 


Happy New Year!

Happy 2012 to all!

Looking forward to a new year after a tough garden season now behind us!  Stay tuned for the 2012 season Community Garden Reservation Forms coming soon!!


Have you been getting your seed catalogs in the mail?  If not, order one or check them out online.  Here is a link to more info on seed companies in our FAQ section, question #3.

Dreaming of Spring yet?  Here’s something to start thinking about: Have you ever tried starting your own seeds?  Seed Starting by Mother Earth News