Community Garden is FULL for 2011

We have all 43 plots reserved this year.  Thanks to all the Lafayette faculty, staff, students, and their friends and family that are a part of the community this year! It’s going to be a great year!  Apply early for your spot next year.  We may add an additional row of plots next year if needed to accommodate everyone.

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day 2011!!!!!!!!!!

Celebrate the Earth today.

How?  Plant a tree or a veggie.  Recycle.  Pick up some trash. Conserve water. Take some time to read about green stuff.  Go for a walk and take a moment to remember how refreshing fresh air really is.  🙂

Check out Earth Day.Org to pledge to participate in A Billion Acts of Green.

Make every day Earth Day.

Maria Rodale Speaking on Monday!

Maria Rodale At Lafayette College

Huge news!!!!!!!!!!  Come see the wonderful Maria Rodale speak at noon on Monday, March 7th in Hugel 103.

Also, on Wednesday, March 9th is a brown bag about the Food System at Lafayette in Hogg Hall from 11-1pm.

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