We are social creatures to the inmost centre of our being. The notion that one can begin anything at all from scratch, free from the past, or unindebted to others, could not conceivably be more wrong.
Karl Popper (1902-1994), philosopher and a professor at the London School of Economics


Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD
Ph.D. Economics, October 2000
M.A. Economics, May 1995

Stanford University, Stanford CA
M.S. Electrical Engineering, June 1988

Purdue University, West Lafayette IN
B.S.E.E., December 1986


Student pedagogical partnerships to advance inclusive teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
with T. M. Addy, E. Berkove, M. Borzone, M. Butler, F. Cham, A. deSaussure, A. Exarhos, M. Mancuso, M. Rizk, T. Rossmann, H. Younas, International Journal for Students As Partners, 6(1), 81-89

Introduction to the Special Issue on Agent-Based Computational Economics (2021)
with Troy Tassier, Computational Economics, June 2021, 58

Economics Lessons in History with Alexander Hamilton: From Adam Smith to Broadway (2021)
with Mary Jo Lodge, in Dueling Grounds: Revolution and Revelation in the Musical Hamilton
Oxford University Press, Editors: Mary Jo Lodge, Paul Laird

Externalities, Spillover Effects, and Implications for Payment-for-Performance Programs (2021)
with Hongxing Liu , 335-339 in Advances in Social Simulation, ESSA 2019, Ahrweiler P., Neumann M. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Springer, Cham.

Knowledge Spillover and Positive Environmental Externality in Agricultural Decision Making under Performance-Based Payment Programs (2020)
with Hongxing Liu Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, September 2020, 49(2) 270-290

Introduction to the Symposium on Agent-based Modeling (2017)
with Leanne Ussher and Jason Barr
Eastern Economic Journal, March 2017, 43(2)

Multicampus Partnerships Studying the Feasibility of Buying Local (2016), in Community-Based Research: Teaching for Community Impact, Beckman, M., & Long, J. (Eds.), Sterling VA: Stylus.

Consumer Search, Rationing Rules, and the Consequence for Competition
[Abstract, HTML | editorial proof, PDF]
Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction April 2011
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6589: edited by J. Salerno, S.J. Yang, S.-K. Chai

Open- and Closed-Loop Supply Chain Dynamics: Specification and Exploration of an Agent-Based Model
with Jeffrey Pfaffman [Abstract, HTML] [Editorial proof, PDF]
Eastern Economic Journal January 2011, 37(1)
Special Issue on Agent Based-Computational Economics

Assessing the Effectiveness of Using a Computer Game to Bridge a Research Agenda with a Teaching Agenda
with Kristen Sanford Bernhardt, Sharon Jones, Jackie Isaacs [Abstract, HTML]
2010 Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education
(Best Paper Award, ASEE Environmental Division)

Acting White or Acting Black: Mixed-Race Adolescents’ Identity and Behavior
with Susan Averett and Howard Bodenhorn
[Abstract, HTML] [NBER working paper, PDF]
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 2009, 9(1) Contributions

Colorism and African-American Wealth: Evidence from the Nineteenth Century South
with Howard Bodenhorn
[Abstract, HTML] [Related NBER working paper, PDF]
Journal of Population Economics 2007, 20(3) 599-620

Handedness and Earnings
with Joe Harrington and Robert Moffitt
[Abstract, HTML] [ NBER Working Paper, PDF]
Laterality: Asymmetries of Brain, Body and Cognition 2007, 12(2) 101-120

Model Exit in a Vertically Differentiated Market:
Interfirm Competition vs. Intrafirm Cannibalization in the Computer Hard Disk Drive Industry

[Abstract, HTML]
Review of Industrial Organization February 2005 (volume 26, issue 1)

Network Externalities and Standardization: A Classroom Demonstration
with Sarah StaffordNicola Tynan et al.
Southern Economic Journal April 2003 (volume 69, issue 4)

Interfirm Competition, Intrafirm Cannibalization, and Product Exit in the Market for Computer Hard Disk Drives
[Full paper, PDF]
Economic and Social Review Spring 2002 (volume 33, issue 1),
selected papers from the 28th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics

Imitation Dynamics in the Repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma: An Exploratory Example
[Abstract, HTML] [Full paper, PDF (w/subscription)]
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization August 1999 (volume 40, issue 1)


Principles of Economics, Econ 101 [Spring 2025?]
Intermediate Microeconomics, Econ 211 [someday again?]
Evolutionary Game Theory, Econ 246 / Math 246 [Spring 2025?]
Industrial Organization: Market Structure and Strategy, Econ 331 [Spring 2025?]
Industrial Organization: Marketing to Consumers, Econ 360 [Fall 2024]
Marketing Research, Econ 361 [Fall 2026?]
Computational Simulation of Markets and Behavior, Econ 410 [Fall 2024]
Many Londons, Many Markets, Many Cultures, Econ 131/231 [at Goldsmiths UoL someday again?]
Ethical, Social, and Economic Issues in the U.S. & U.K., INDS 245 & 371 [Spring/Summer Interim 2024]

Students registered for these classes may use the Lafayette College Moodle site.

Available … in office hours (1:00-2:00 MTWTh for Fall 2023), by appointment, by happenstance, and via email.


A member of the Department of Economics at Lafayette College, since September 2000. Taught at both The Johns Hopkins University and Loyola College in Maryland in addition to various research and teaching assistant positions while transforming into an economist.

Worked in the corporate world for five years with (what used to be called) Siemens Medical Systems, on MRI products that can now only be found in places like this old magazine article with little mention elsewhere. Spent some time inside the government as an engineer at The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and at The National Security Agency in their Co-op Program.


Full curriculum vita in PDF format.

Grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF):

NSF coverage of the first grant, including a list of the 2007 awards in the Human and Social Dynamics priority area. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working papers coauthored.

Find me …

… via email.

… in my office, Simon Center 215: building #42 on this map (just past #36 and #37, Ruef and Keefe Halls, on South College Drive). Here are general directions to campus and specific directions to Simon Center.

I’s a long time a-comin’
An’ I’ll be a long time gone

Last modified: 4 July, 2024