Category: London

Michael Palin’s Brazil

Yes, that Michael Palin (and no, not Terry Gilliam’s Brazil). The book was written while he was working on a TV special for the BBC (and thus PBS, too).  I’m enjoying the dip back into Brazilian bits and pieces, and…

How many books in a Book?

George R. R. Martin has been a prolific writer, but—like many readers—I’ve only read his “A Song of Ice and Fire” series known more popularly by the first book’s title “A Game of Thrones” and I’m only a little ways…

Education’s Diversity

“first and second generation immigrants are, on average, better educated than the native population” Non-native English Speakers in Primary Schools in England “The study finds a modest negative correlation in the raw data between the educational attainment of native English…

Levitt, Porter, and Detroit

No explicit cite of Michael Porter, but it’s always good to see Levitt part of the story and more. Sometimes the best that a company can hope for is death (Financial Times) “Levitt did not recognise that competitive advantage, rather…

One of each from The Economist

From micro The Utility of Bad Art we find that perhaps we’re not as unintelligent as psychologists (and behavioral economists) may have thought. From macro Guidance on Forward Guidance we find things not so different in Britain compared to the…

Britons’ dinners

“BRITONS have long lamented the decline of the home-cooked meal. But even if dinners are less healthy today than during the war, the Sunday roast is still often eaten among family and friends.” not healthy, but not alone (The Economist,…