3 Replies to “Education of the Future (Daniel Gonzalez)”

  1. I really enjoyed this slidecast and how the education topic was analyzed through the images. You did well in describing the technology in each image and its connection to education, specifically the connection of the automobile. You did a good job with describing how education is not just learning, but is a socio-technical system. By using the automobile/transportation example you clearly described how education is a socio-technical system. However, i think you could have done a little less of describing the technology, and instead talked more about how the prediction of the future displays the type of values people of that time placed on education. Along the same lines, I think you could have put these images in a more historical context by explaining how these images describe the context in which they produced. I also enjoyed how you took the view on how technology shapes education and the view that education shapes technology. Your slidecast was very well organized and your speaking tone was clear; however, during one part of your slidecast you noticeably sped up, which made it a little difficult to understand exactly what you were saying. However, I think it was a really good slidecast.

  2. This is a very interesting topic and slidecast, great job! I thought your selection of images to include in this project were largely excellent, although some of the images that were largely text were difficult to read and less visually striking. Your audio was good overall, but there were one or two slides where it seemed like you might have packed in too much information and needed to rush through to make it under the 20 second limit. I did really like the progression of your story, with each image relating to the previous one. The only other suggestion I would have for future slidecasts would be that you include more references to class topics. I think some discussion of the fallacies of future predictions would be appropriate for the slidecast. Overall, this was a very enjoyable video and I felt like a learned a lot about the history of the future of education.

  3. I enjoyed listening to the past’s view on future education. The images where I could see how people interacting were the most engaging for me. On the other hand the newspaper clippings were hard to read. I think that in the future if you feel that a text heavy piece of work is critical then you should zoom in on a particular phrase and maybe even highlight it. I liked that the images you included had a range of styles, from vibrant color drawings to older black and white images. This helped me understand, coupled with your descriptions, reasons why the past predicted education in the future the way they did. I liked how at the end you included a suggestion to go to paleofuture.com. This allows potential viewers who are not acquainted with the site to discover more about past views on the future.

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