Kirk’s Page

At first I was very interested on how authorship had effected our understanding of written works. It was intriguing to me that when a name is attached to words they take on more meaning. Unfortunately this got me into a lot of trouble, as the assignment was more about copyright than authorship. As a result, my paper is a little more disjointed than I would have liked. However, I do feel as if i have been able to tie authorship, the printing press and copyright together, and (hopefully) show how important each is to the other.

Also, I do not know why there are two spaces between each paragraph. Short of retyping the whole thing, I was unable to fix this problem. ‎


Our main goal was to create a realistic transcript of a radio broadcast which was both entertaining and informative. As a collaborative essay we both felt that this was best course of action as we could both have our own unique writing style represented, while also still allowing for that to not take away from the piece as a whole. I thought we accomplished this goal. I am worried that our direction and main point as a whole is hard to identify but the method we used made it difficult to accomplish this. ‎…t-war-on-drugs/ ‎

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