Claire’s Page

Portfolio 3:

I have noticed a definite trend towards ebooks in my latest blog posts and journal entries. The technology and the it’s unforeseeable future have created quite a stir in all book related ares, from libraries to publishing houses. I wanted to look at ebooks and audio files from a new perspective in my paper. Furthermore, I was lucky to be involved in a brown bag group that covered this very topic. While my paper started by focusing on audio files, probably because I knew that I would be speaking and wanted to include a song, it quickly changed to the new possibilities of ereaders. I felt confined by the amount of pages I had as a maximum because I find something very interesting about this unknown and often undiscussed world of ebooks and publishing.


1. Ebooks that change the way we write

2. Read a book… earn money

3. Ebooks everywhere


1) VaST Audio

2) VaST Transcript

Portfolio 2:

I first heard about the Shepard Fairey case in my high school art class. My teacher used the case to warn us about the legal barriers involved in choosing sources for our artistic work. The Fairey case is actually much more complicated than I had originally realized when our group decided to start writing the paper. When we started writing we had a notion that “fair use” and accrediting/ compensating the AP could go hand in hand. As we started to reference Goldstein and delve deeper into the case we had to revise our position. This was a hard case because Fairey originally lied about what photograph he used and the case was settled outside of court so there still is no copyright or “fair use” guidelines associated with how transformative digital art has to be to be disassociated with the original.


1) Copyright School

2) People of the Book

3) The Cat NOT in the Hat. A Parody?


1) VaST-Portfolio-2

Portfolio 1:

I took this class because I find the relationship between modern art and the legal system interesting and often at odds. Last year I watched a documentary about music sampling that sparked my interest in the subject. I like the idea of sampling because it has actually helped me discover old songs that I would not have known about otherwise. Additionally, as an artist I feel as though I am constantly “sampling” or remixing ideas from the constant stream of media I view daily.

I was influenced by Austin Kleon’s book, Steal Like an Artist, a sort of self-help manual for modern creatives. Kleon moves quickly from “every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of one or more previous ideas” to insisting that “you are the sum of your influences” and that “you’re a remix of your mom and dad”. I started to think about this idea of a remix culture and decided to combine it with my idea of learning more about music sampling. When I was conducting research, I was struck by how ingrained remixing music was in hip- hop culture. While hip- hop was being ignored by mainstream culture in charge of law making, it was growing influence. I thought this could be applied to the prompt because it showed a clear divergence in culture. What if hip- hop culture had more of a sway in legislature? This very much, I think, relates to present day conflicts that are being seen across all media platforms. Many of my blog posts came out of this search and class discussions.


1) E-books and the rise of self- publishing

2) Don’t Copyright Me

3) Rare Book Collection


1) Sampling

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