Category: London

Jobs, of the part-time kind

“Have people been commoditized? Of course not. But the ways people’s knowledge, skills and expertise get plugged into the workplace has been.” Prepare for the New Permanent Temp (HBR) to “facilitate faster, cheaper and easier contingent participation.” “It’s analogous to…

Lawnmower man

A good topic for the summer, first the podcast link. Edwin Budding, inventor of the lawn mower (Oxford DNB) A page on which he should appear after moving from Current Podcast, along with many other biographies. Oxford DNB podcast: over 180…

The City in the city

“From the grocers to goldsmiths, the Square Mile has been the center of British business for as long as we have records.” Are Things Too Cozy In London’s ‘City’ Within A City? (NPR) “It has a very unusual democracy. Because so…

Should I stay or should I go now?

Britain’s ties to the Continent and beyond. Britain’s Split Personality Over EU Ties (WSJ) A decision on regulations and the tension extant in any group effort.  “Cameron … says there is room in the EU both for countries that want to…

The Doctor of the BBC

Who knew? Cut-throat or cuddly Dr. Who is the longest-running science-fiction television series ever. “Just imagine, critics say, what a Hollywood studio might do with such a valuable property. At the very least, it would surely produce more than about…

Erasing knowledge

Learned something about the BBC today.A Ceebration of Doctor Who – Chicago | DePaul University Adactio: Journal—Erase and rewind Most shocking was lost Dr. Who episodes, with a broken link from the article above, written in 2011.  Here’s a substitute…

Brit on U.S.

“While Americans toast their freedom from tyranny every summer, Britons get a royal wedding maybe every other decade, if we’re lucky.” Reflections of a British emigre on American Independence Day “Not that I’m mourning the loss of the colonies,” Seaton…

How we pay the queen

It pays to get your income from the right sources Queen’s income set to rise for second year running “Aside from the Queen’s income, the profit goes to the Treasury to help with the nation’s finances.” The portfolio includes large…