Britain’s ties to the Continent and beyond. Britain’s Split Personality Over EU Ties (WSJ) A decision on regulations and the tension extant in any group effort. “Cameron … says there is room in the EU both for countries that want to…
Sucks-rocks and code
From the good ol’ days of the interwebs. Does It suck? Some related software design tutorials. sucks-rocks (Git Hub) Going further on a tangent, an insightful metaphor for the stages of working on large coding project, big data notwithstanding. How…
The Doctor of the BBC
Who knew? Cut-throat or cuddly Dr. Who is the longest-running science-fiction television series ever. “Just imagine, critics say, what a Hollywood studio might do with such a valuable property. At the very least, it would surely produce more than about…
Erasing knowledge
Learned something about the BBC today.A Ceebration of Doctor Who – Chicago | DePaul University Adactio: Journal—Erase and rewind Most shocking was lost Dr. Who episodes, with a broken link from the article above, written in 2011. Here’s a substitute…
Brit on U.S.
“While Americans toast their freedom from tyranny every summer, Britons get a royal wedding maybe every other decade, if we’re lucky.” Reflections of a British emigre on American Independence Day “Not that I’m mourning the loss of the colonies,” Seaton…
She may join Darwin
Quietly waiting in the wings Jane Austen could grace £10 banknotes, Mervyn King says