Issue Number 40 Fall 1998 

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

The Student and the Whale: Reading the Two Moby-Dicks
Michael Kearns

He Reads, She Speaks: How Narrative Form Conveys Conflicting Values in “Corrine or Italy”
Ellen Peel

Can Metafiction Be Read Straight: Or When the Pen in Your Hand is Not Your Own
Michael Hardin

Bibliography of Recently Published Books on Reading
Denise Heikinen

Issue Number 38/39 Fall 1997, Spring 1998

Special Double Issue on Popular Culture
Guest edited by Linda Adler-Kassner and Sherry Linkon

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

“And a little child shall lead them”: Children’s Cabinets of Curiosities 1790-1860
Shirley T. Wajda

Horse Stories and Romance Fiction: Variants or Alternative Texts of Feminine Identity  Mary Traschel

“Isn’t it just a movie?”: Lessons Learned from Oliver Stone and Platoon
D. Melissa Hilbish

“More Often Than Not, It’s Put in a Bag”: Culture and the Comic Book Collector
Michael Sokolow

What Happens Next? How Reading Genre Fiction is Like Reading Hypertext Fiction
Beth Rapp Young

“Why Won’t You Just Read It?”: E.C. Comic Book Readers and Community in the 1950s  Linda Adler-Kassner

Issue Number 37 Spring 1997

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

Critical Discourse Theory and Reader Response: How Discourses Constitute Reader Stances and Social Contexts
Richard Beach

Lolita: A Text for Rereading
David Cooper

Religious Skirmishes: When the Ethnic Outsider Cannot Hear “The Loudest Voice”
Karen Surman Paley

Two Hamlets, One Text: A Semiotic Analysis
Justin Edward Everett

Issue Number 35/36 Spring/Fall 1996

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

Introduction: Reading and Readership from an International Perspective
Steven Totosy de Zepetnek

How Readers Come to Terms with the Unfamiliar: The Social Context of the Crossed-Cultural Classroom
Ingrid Johnston

How Differently Do Ethnic Minority Children Read? The Reading Behavior of Moroccan, Turkish, and Italian Children in Flanders
Rita Ghesquiere

Children’s Literature and the Changing Status of Child Readers
Jean Perrot

Reading and Writing Appreciation Slovene Elementary Schools: Results of a Survey Milena Blazic

Readers’ Experience of Textual Meaning: An Empirical Approach
Maj Asplund Carlsson

How Readers Come to Terms with the Unfamiliar: The Invisible Trajectory of Individual Development
Margaret Mackey

Publishers, Fiction, and Feminism: Riding the ‘Second Wave’
Wendy Waring

Readership Research, Cultural Studies, and Canadian Scholarship
Steven Totosy Zepetnek

Issue Number 33/34 Spring/Fall 1995

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

Mariolina Salvatori

What Does Theory Have To Do With Me? Reading Literacy in a Teacher Preparation Program
Kathryn Flannery

Teaching Writing Teachers to Teach Reading for Writing
Wendy Bishop

Teaching Against the Teaching Against Pedagogy: Reading Our Classrooms, Writing Ourselves
Lad Tobin

Teachings Teaching: Construction and Reflection in the Classroom
Martin Bickman

The Teaching of Teaching: Theoretical Reflections
Paul Kameen and Mariolina Salvatori

Issue Number 32 Fall 1994

Editorial note
Elizabeth A. Flynn

Iser’s Theory of Aesthetic Response: A Brief Critique
Peter Swirsky

Aesthetic Resonance: Beyond the Sign in Literature
Jerry Farber

Using Writing to Develop Student Readers: An Example from the Classroom
Richard Straub/Gay Lynn Crossley

Exploring an Evocation of a Literary work: Processes and Possibilities of an Artistic Response to Literature
Peter Smagorinsky/John Coppock

Issue Number 31 Spring 1994


Reader-Response: A Visual and Aesthetic Experience
Sonya Darlington

Second Thoughts: Prolegomenon to Re-Readings
David Galef

President Reagan as a Cross Cultural Communicator in China
Susan Ross

The Viewer Viewed: The Reception of Ethnographic Films
Jay Ruby