Sex Sells

Last night I thought all the presentations were outstanding, but the one that caught my intention the most was the “Does Sex Sell?” presentation. After last night, I don’t think sex is needed to sell products, but it is technique that companies adapted to voice their brand to the public. Even in Other presentations about different topics we saw companies using women to attract men to their product. It was also interesting to hear that many of the women in our class were more disturbed then enticed to buy a product that presented sex in their ads. I believe companies should get away from using this technique but it has become a common way to introduce the public to there problem. Hopefully some day we can get back to polar bears and screaming children in the grocery store.

5 thoughts on “Sex Sells”

  1. I agree with you. Sex isn’t necessary to sell products, but it is effective. The idea of “sex sells” is very popular/controversial right now, but I think it will be awhile until sex and women aren’t used to sell products because it has proven, time after time, to be effective.

  2. Yes, although commercials don’t need to include sex in their ads , it is indeed a very effective way in which to do so. Companies are looking to maximize their profits by doing anything they can. If making a commercial revolving around sex will drive up their profits, I doubt the company will care if people are disgusted by it. I also thought it was crazy that they had naked women in ads for women perfume. I guess the company was advertising towards men who would buy the perfume for their girlfriends.

  3. I agree with you that an advertisement with a great concept like polar bears and a child screaming is always more effective than an advertisement trying to sell sex.However, I also believe its not always possible for companies to get creative with each and every advertisement. In today’s competitive world, companies only have few seconds to convince us to buy their products.So, they need something that is attention grabbing.I think this is the reason why sex has been rife in today’s advertisement, even in an advertisement of food with which sex is totally unrelated.However, I am a firm believer that these advertisement sell more than just products.

  4. Chris I have to agree with you on this topic. There are so many different approaches that can be taken as alternatives. The perfect example of this was the condom ad that decided to show a child having a temper tantrum to open young adults to the truth of what could have. If a condom company can sell their product without using sex than a fast food company should be able to do the same. Yet we still continue to see these companies have half naked women eating burgers as if this will happen to you if you eat a burger from there.

  5. Just because something might be effective doesnt mean it is necessarily moral or right. I think that although the common belief is that sex sells I think it does more harm than good. When thinking about the objectification of female bodies when using sex as a point of sales it raises many issues and standards in society that are unnecessary.

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