Power of Media in today’s world.

Since the beginning of the semester we have been talking about the increasing importance of media in our lives.We have discussed about movies, short films and social medias transforming our lives. I would like to relate the importance of  media during the Arab Spring when social media like Youtube, Facebook and Twitter helped accelerate democratic revolutions and influence larger number of people.In Middle East countries where mainstream media have been substantially controlled by the government, social media emerged as a tool for freedom of speech.Thousands of youths were active on facebook and twitter to raise their concerns about autocratic rule and to disseminate their feelings to the people in the region and the outside world.

Also, there was a video by a Egyptian American youth named Tamer Shaaban which went viral during 2011.The video showcases the real incidents on the streets on Cairo showcasing people’s frustrations about their autocratic government.The video was one of the most crucial pieces of media that helped frame the uprising as people led democratic movement.After watching the video many Egyptians decided to change their minds of staying in their home and take out to the streets and stand for their rights.I believe this is one of the best examples of why having  medium of media in everybody’s pockets, sets the importance of media to an unprecedented extent.

Here’s the link for the powerful video which was one of the most viral videos of 2011:

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