Camera Shots in The Graduate

One of the more interesting things about The Graduate was that it had many wide shots. The director chose not to zoom in on the characters face but rather have it seem the viewer was a bystander in the room. I found this very interesting since it allowed the viewer to watch what both characters were doing. I feel a negative effect of this, however, was that it did not allow the viewer to see the emotions the characters had at specific times. You can only read how they were feeling by there body language. However, the director did capture how the character was feeling if they were alone, like at the beginning of the movie when Benjamin in sitting there quietly. You can tell something is bothering him and in a way looks hopeless.

One thought on “Camera Shots in The Graduate”

  1. One of the most memorable shots for me was a close up of Elaine’s face as she came to the realization that Ben had been having an affair with her mother. The fact that most of the shots were wide shots may have contributed to why the few close ups were more memorable.

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