These are the requirements for your work on the course blog; these hold for each week. For specific directions on content for each week, see the blogging prompts, which are emailed out each week and posted on the link “Blogging Prompts.”
• Starting Week 2, you will post 2 blog entries and 4 comments on other people’s entries each week. Starting Week 3, you will post 3 blog entries and 6 comments per week.
• You are to respond to the week’s prompt at some time in each week’s posts, though all your posts don’t have to respond directly to the prompt.
• Blog entries should be no longer than 300 words each; there is no minimum limit.
• While blog entries will primarily be your own writing, you will do some research and post it each week—at least 3 sources, with a minimum of 1 from a library-based source and 1 from a public Internet source. You will provide links to these sources some time in the course of your week’s blogging, either as an “annotated bibliography” or incorporated into your writing in some other way.