3 thoughts on “The Picture Books Today

  1. Shannon Moran Post author

    That was a really cool scene, haha. It definitely connects to what we did today, though. The animated interpretation of the story from HP is an artistic realization of a story, just as the art books were.

  2. rauc Post author

    I did not remember seeing that scene in the movie, thus to me had you not pointed out it was from harry potter I probably wouldn’t have known until the last line of the clip. This relates to the Alice in wonderland art book, that had I not known it was an interpretation of Alice in Wonderland I never would have guessed what it was.

  3. Candace Beach Post author

    I had not thought of that Harry Potter scene relating to the picture books but that really fits in. It is interesting how in such a popular movie of our generation that it is told through the animation which is completely different from the rest of the film.


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