The trip to the EPI was a great learning experience for me; I had seen very old printing presses before in Philadelphia, while we were looking at what the Declaration of Independence was printed on, but I have never seen a rolling press, and certainly didn’t realize the amount of work that went into assembling a single paragraph, let alone page. The fact that the arranging of a simple paragraph took hours to complete is mind-boggling – how could people have printed entire newspapers daily? The labor going into such a task must have been extensive. It is also easy to understand why many newspapers folded after about a year – if a company didn’t have the capital to invest in many printing machines and workers, it would be difficult to keep up with public demand at a reasonable price.

One thought on “EPI

  1. wrightka Post author

    I was, also, very surprised at the work and time it took to simple just make one paragraph while we were at EPI. This actually makes me appreciate technology so much more than I ever have before. I could not imagine living in a world without multiple newspapers, books, and articles and all of these things are only made available to me because of technology.


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