One more on Ebooks…

I found this short article on the library’s website today announcing that, along with our preexisting digital collection, some academic ebooks will now be available through the library.  This further demonstrates the positive contributions that technology, specifically that which relates to digital books, has made to academia.  I hope to utilize this option provided by the library in the future.

3 thoughts on “One more on Ebooks…

  1. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I think that it will be extremely helpful for ebooks to be available through the library. I know that I would certainly make use of this resource and that a lot of my friends will likely do so as well.

  2. ashnaulb Post author

    I find this option interesting because I don’t really use ebooks at all and it will be a good resource to try out at the library. It does show the gradual revolution from paper to computers, how knows how many ebooks there will be ten years from now.

  3. Candace Beach Post author

    I feel like this is a good resource to have but I don’t know how many students will utilize it. I use ebooks for some classes but most of the time it is easier to buy the book. It is still easier to flip to a page you need in a book while in class rather than taking out your kindle.


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