Library Visit on Tuesday

I thoroughly enjoy these trips to different places to learn about the origins and the evolution of printing. It is amazing how our school is able to have these rare books at their disposal for educational purposes. I feel lucky to go to a school that has those kind of resources.

4 thoughts on “Library Visit on Tuesday

  1. filipekc Post author

    I totally agree! I am glad that this class gave us the opportunity to view so many different rare books and artifacts. I am looking forward to learning more at the print institute tomorrow.

  2. morans Post author

    I’m always stunned at the amazing things Lafayette has. The book collection is just one example, and it definitely makes our school even more unique. It would be nice if more people in the Lafayette community knew about stuff like this. I was especially shocked and pleased to discover that we own, among many great historical texts, one of the only 48 copies of the largest book printed in colonial America. That just seems like such a priceless historical artifact that more people should know about.

  3. Tim Gaziano Post author

    I agree It’s one thing to learn about these types of things in a history class with pictures or videos but being able to hold on to them and examine them up close makes the events these book pertain to so much more real in my mind.

  4. ashnaulb Post author

    I agree that we are lucky to have such tremendous resources at this school. I was extremely surprised by the extensive collection the college has and I wonder why they haven’t presented it more. I also wonder what other collections they have.


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