Purposeful Plagiarism

Plagiarism of Francis Bacon’s “Of Studies:” One example of a library making use of the digital age is the University of Virginia, whose Electronic Text Center fostered innovation through technology and set an early precedent for the creation and use of digital materials by scholars in the humanities. The goal of the E-text Center is to support the creation, dissemination, analysis, and preservation of digitized and born- digital works. The New York Public Library also offers access to e-books through Amazon Kindles. The Cushing Academy has discarded or donated all of their books in favor of computer kiosks, flat-screen TVS, and millions of virtual books. Some at the school see this as a natural way to shape emerging trends and optimize technology. Others, however, who cannot imagine a library without books, are going to miss them.


2 thoughts on “Purposeful Plagiarism

  1. cantorb Post author

    I personally can not imagine a library without books. I went to look for a book in Skillman today, and I almost expect to have to walk up and down aisles to find books that I need. I am not ready to just search for a book and have it in front of me in a matter of seconds.

  2. mortatia Post author

    i too can’t imagine a library without books. I personally prefer books to ebooks because I am not a fan of reading on a screen. I would end up printing everything out if only online works available.


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