Oprah’s Book Club

I wanted to talk a little bit about Oprah’s book club in my blog post so I decided to do a little more research and I was surprised to learn that Oprah’s book club was actually discontinued for a year because Oprah could not keep up with the reading while still searching for novels she liked. This was extremely surprising to me because this is the reason why she started to book club to produce novels that encourage people to read yet she could not seem to do it herself? I think this is why I have such an interest in the idea of Oprah’s book club because it seems to just be a marketing campaign to me at times. When I thought about it a little deeper, I realized that Oprah was actually increase many authors books sales. I found it interesting to see how Oprah can just pick up a book and people suddenly feel the need to buy it and many buy the book in hard copies. I actually praise Oprah for her decision to start this club. This club goes back to the real impact books have on people. It represents the true meaning of picking up a book and flipping through the pages.

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