
Thinking about ebooks and their pros and cons, I realized that I am much more familiar with their pros even though I myself am pro-paperback book. I think that since we live in a technological world, people tend to be more eager to accept ebooks and see them in a positive light than they are to see their negative qualities. Considering that, I decided to do a bit of research into the cons of ebooks since I am not quite as familiar with this side of the ebook revolution. Here are a few articles I found regarding this:



2 thoughts on “Ebooks

  1. mannap Post author

    This is an interesting point. I think that, as time goes on and people get more used to ebooks, their cons will receive less and less attention. Of course, this is assuming that ebooks end up finding a permanent niche in society. It could be very possible that the ebooks themselves are simply part of a fad, and that in the near future they will either lose popularity or be replaced by an unforeseen technological development.

  2. malhotrb Post author

    the cons of e books are different than what we’re used to, so we don’t consider them cons because they aren’t traditional cons


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