Why do we need books?

A few days ago, I was at a meeting and I looked around to see that everyone there was either on their laptops or Ipads taking notes. Then, I looked at the Professor holding the meeting and noticed he was taking notes on a piece paper. As we were discussing a packet that was emailed out to everyone, I found it very that the Professor actually seemed one step behind everyone else in the meeting because he was the only one who did not have the ability to pull up the packet on his laptop. This is such an interesting concept to me. The thought that a simple electronic device can make you one hundred times more prepared for something seems funny. Also from this meeting, I began to understand the concept of how important technology really has become in our society. Technology allows us to compete with one another on a whole new scale. I have always argued against technology because I feel at times technology is going to take over society and become more intelligent than humans. However, I finally realized how important technology really is because without it we will never be able to keep up with the other growing countries around the world.

4 thoughts on “Why do we need books?

  1. rauc Post author

    I think that it is sad that so many people have now switched over to taking notes in other forms than pen and paper. For me, I do not feel as if I am learning when I have tried to type notes on my laptop as opposed to handwrite them. It could just be that I have grown so used to taking notes in that way, that any other way would be strange. However, I think there is definitely a personal loss that goes on when one switches their notetaking from paper to electronic devices.

  2. Jason Elliot Melendez Post author

    I could only take notes on paper. Aside from the fact that I’m used to it, I would get distracted by various other things on my computer. Actually, I even get distracted by things on OTHER people’s computers. While it seems more efficient to type notes, I still feel there is an inherent hindrance when using technology.


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