photo releases of concerts

I came across this release statement that Lady Gaga was requiring photographers to sign for one of her concerts after I wandered onto this website. Going along with copyright in live performances, it seems that many artists prefer to have control over the release of photos of their performances.

“I personally haven’t encountered contracts as strict as Lady Gaga’s but I don’t usually work with such high profile artists,” Edmondson writes in an e-mail. “However, I believe very specific and restrictive contacts are common with big name artists/celebrities.”

 What do you think about Lady Gaga’s demands?

3 thoughts on “photo releases of concerts

  1. Shannon Moran Post author

    I agree with Lady Gaga’s demands. The photographers attending her concerts are sure to make money off of her image, which is definitely not a form of fair use, and so should be required to have her permission prior to releasing said photographs.

  2. mannap Post author

    I would be interested to see what other popular bands and artists require from photographers attending their concerts. Based on what they require, Lady Gaga could either be in-step with everyone else or deviating greatly from the norm. Otherwise, I am not sure what to think of her demands.

  3. Brittany Kulcsar Post author

    I think that Lady Gaga’s demands are reasonable considering that it is not fair for people to profit from her performances in such a manner. It is not hard for the photographers to get permission to release the photographs, and so it is only right that they should do so.


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